Sunday 5 August 2018

Getting ready to learn


 As for me , after i answer all my questions given , finally ! i know that i'm a visual learnerss.

Visual learning is a style in which a learner utilizes graphs , charts , maps and diagrams . The visual learner remembers 75% of what they read or see. 

  • remembers what they read and write.
  • enjoys visual projects and presentation
  • can remember diagrams , charts , maps well
  • understands information best when they see it

This is how my study skills as a visual ;
  • i want to see how something is done before i try it for myself
  • i learn by watching and must remember objects , shapes and pictures
  • i learn by see something in action , its easier for me to understand it and to recall it later during an exam or while writing a paper
  • i need to see the sentence to understand 
  • once class has ended , re-read and re-write my notes because that process of reading and seeing the words will help commit the information to memory  

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