Monday 6 August 2018

Taking Lecture Notes


(prepare the umbrella before it rains)

The best way to prepare your note-taking activity is to READ the text assignment BEFORE CLASS . By reading the text assignment  before the lecture , it will allow you to ;
  • to help remember information that's given by lecture
  • make it easier to understand
  • help plan essay or work
  • avoid plagiarism 
  • identify main ideas of the lecture and have some idea what the lecture is about
Sit near the front of the room . Choose a spot in the class where you will have few distractions . Then you will be able to pay attention better and take better notes . Find a spot where you can see and hear the lecture clearly. You should also to see the board clearly .

Next , the way to prepare before taking notes is highlight , underline and capitalise . By underlining and using capitals , it's easier to make out key points in your lecture notes . It helps you you concentrate in class .

Thirdly ,Listen carefully to the introduction of the lecture . Don't waste time easing your way into note-taking mode at the beginning of class . Be ready to go from the very start .

Lastly , tape-record lecture . Later you can replay the lecture to fill in anything you missed .

Notes Taking Excercise

Cornell goal setting slides 
-The Cornell note taking method helps organize class notes into easily digestible summaries . The main points , details , study cues and summary are all written in one place .

  • notes are neatly organized , summarized and easy to read
  • allows you to put out major ideas and concepts

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