Sunday 5 August 2018

Goals Setting

Setting goals is the most important things you can do in your life without goals . You are going to have no direction , no ambition to successful. Your future is created by what you do today not tomorrow.

S - Specific (what do you want to do)
M - Measurable (how will you know when you've reached it)
A - Achievable (it is in your power to accomplish it)
R - Realistic (can you realistically achieve it)
T -Timely (when exactly do you want to accomplish it) 

"A goal without a plan is just a wish"

start from now , you must set your goals and find what you truly want in future .

Now , i want to tell you about my personal and academic goals . 

  • bring my parents to Umrah and Haji using my own money
  • to be so successful and independent that i can spoil myself and my family 
  • do what i love and go where i want whenever
  • to be happy , no matter what trials i face , no matter how old i get . happiness is the key to all things great
  • getting all A's or all A's and B's
  • maintaining a GPA above 3.0 - 3.5 every semester and getting a good grade on a test or quiz in a class
  • read about and learn to be a positive self-advocate for myself (speaking up for myself ) with teachers when issues related to education arise.

 next , that is how i approach my goals ;
  • make fear my friend
  • stop procrastinate
  • need to change or push myself 
  • don't compare with other
  • identify what's important 
"If you are bored with life ,
 if you are don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things ,
 you don't have enough goals"

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